45 awesome vegan documentaries you can’t afford to miss during the coronavirus lockdown | Totally Vegan Buzz

45 awesome vegan documentaries you can’t afford to miss during the coronavirus lockdown

vegan documentaries you can’t afford to miss during the coronavirus lockdown
Image: Cowspiracy , Forks Over Knifes and The Game Changers, edited by TotallyVeganBuzz

While the debate on whether the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is a zoonotic virus that has creeped into the human world from the animal kingdom or a new form of bioterrorism that has unleashed its lethal fangs on its perpetrators and the world en masse can be a discussion for another day, the outbreak has brought us to answer certain fundamental questions of how humans have exploited the resources namely the environment and the animal population available at their disposal.

 We won’t go down the route of how much disservice we’re doing by violating our fellow human rights.

According to the CDC, nearly three out of every four new or emerging diseases in people have been traced back to animals.

Scientists, environmentalists, and conservationists have repeatedly warned about the implications of eating animal products on our health, the planet and the animal population.

So, while social distancing has become a mandate, and we quarantine ourselves to restrain the virus, we’ve compiled a list of nail-biting, hard-hitting and groundbreaking documentaries that will serve as eye-openers to the ones who can’t do without their portion of steak or tub of chicken fingers.

The documentaries on the list cover everything from the brutalities of factory farming, to climate change to the benefits of plant-based lifestyles.

Fortunately, veganism is on the rise globally and this unfortunate event may motivate more people to start living a wholesome, holistic and a natural based lifestyle. Alternatively, this handy list will help you subtly put across your viewpoint to your non-vegan family and friends, educating those with chronic disease, struggling with weight issues, or looking to boost their athletic prowess.

This guide can also help start great conversations on the need for saving the environment or not harming animals and shifting towards a more plant-based diet.

We’ve categorized the list of documentaries based on:

  •  Health
  •  Animal welfare
  • Environment

So, choose the topic closest to your heart.

Veganism in improving health

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that plants are potent and help fight inflammation, diabetes, cancers as well as improve heart, brain, gut and nerve health among other benefits.

Documentaries listed here will prove handy to anyone looking to improve their health while transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle.

 1. What The Health

 Directed by ​Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the film highlights the benefits of veganism on our bodies and the planet.

Dubbed as “the health film that health organizations don’t want you to see”, What The Health also exposes the conspiracies of the government, the animal agriculture industry and big pharma in hiding the health consequences of eating meat and dairy for vested interests.

Watching this one documentary is sufficient to change a person’s views on the meat and dairy industries.

Year of release: 2017

Watch it on: Amazon or Netflix

2. Forks Over Knives

This Lee Fulkerson directed documentary advocates a plant-based regimen to not only remain healthy but also prevent and reverse lifestyle diseases brought on by processed foods and oil.

The documentary features leading health experts such as Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn sharing first hand experiences of how switching from animal protein to plant-foods can help overcome obesity, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

The short film also covers real life stories where people have lost weight and improved their overall health after embracing a vegan lifestyle.

Highly recommended for people who are new to veganism and want to learn more about the health benefits of eating whole, plant-based food, such as legumes, whole grains, and fruits.

Year of release: 2011

Watch it on: Netflix

 3. Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

In this inspirational documentary, Joe Cross and Kurt Engfehr have captured the weight loss journey of Joe Cross.

After failing to lose weight and relying heavily on medication to keep his autoimmune condition in control; Joe Cross embarks on a self-healing journey by trading junk food for fresh fruits and vegetables.

During his journey, he also manages to influence a truck driver –Phil who also had similar complaints.

The film captures the essence that you’re capable of transforming yourself if you’re willing to commit to it.

Year of release: 2010

Watch it on: Netflix

4. Eating You Alive

This documentary featuring several influential people including actor Samuel L. Jackson, PCRM founder Dr. Neal Barnard, and James and Suzy Amis Cameron, among others, is guaranteed to motivate you to question your dietary choices in a bid to remain healthy.

The documentary mainly focuses on how eating meat, dairy, and eggs lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and more.

People who watched the pro-vegan documentary were highly impressed. “The Big Bang Theory” star Mayim Bialik said: “If you watch one documentary about health, this should be it.”

Year of release: 2016

Watch it on: Youtube

5. Vegucated

 Vegucated is a 2011 documentary that chronicles the journeys of 3 meat and cheese-loving New Yorkers when they accept the challenge of going vegan for 6 weeks.

A highly relatable film directed by Marisa Miller Wolfson sends out a powerful message to reevaluate our lives and diet through 6 ordinary people as they discover the realities of the meat industry on their health, animals and the planet.

The movie also shed light on the resistance many feel socially from family and friends when they steer towards veganism/vegetarianism.

Year of release: 2011

Watch it on: Netflix

6. The Game Changers

This 2019 documentary has by far been the most hyped pro-vegan film that extols the benefits of plant-foods and busts myths that animal protein is essential for super athletic abilities. Directed by the Oscar award-winning Louie Psihoyos, the film features the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic, Scott Jurek, Dotsie Bausch, Derrick Morgan, and Morgan Mitchell.

The movie’s plot follows ex UFC fighter and martial arts expert James Wilks as he meets the top brass of the sporting world who have upped their stamina, performance and game on a plant-based lifestyle.  

The documentary also quotes experts, who highlight how plants can actually help lower inflammation, reduce cardiac complications, lower risk of T2D, and even improve sexual performance.

Year of release: 2019

Watch it on: Netflix

7. PlantPure Nation

This realistic documentary directed by Nelson Campbell follows the journey of three people who try to promote the health benefits of a plant-based diet while lobbyists try to sabotage their project.

In the film Dr. T. Colin Campbell, and his son Nelson are on a mission to spread the benefits of a plant-based diet despite hurdles and challenges.

The movie also explores important issues such as food deserts, small family farms,  modern medicine and the politics involved in not publicizing the rapidly growing plant-based nutrition movement. 

Year of release: 2015

Watch it on: Netflix

8. Food Matters

Another great documentary that highlights how major food corporations and pharma are manipulating the food chain to make sure their cash registers keep ringing by keeping people sick and chronically ill.

It questions why the medical profession never solicits food as medicine and only focuses on treating symptoms instead of getting to the root cause.

The documentary advocates eating a wholesome plant-based nutritious diet to stay healthy and free of lifestyle diseases.

A quote in the film beautifully summarizes the message: “You are what you eat. Every single person in the world knows this, every culture, every language, every country, every person knows it, Food does matter.”

Year of release: 2008

Watch it on: Netflix

9. Hungry for Change

Similar in plot to Food Matters, this documentary reviews the problems and challenges associated with diet, toxic foods and food addictions. It also takes aim at how the food industry makes money at the expense of human health.

The film directed by Nutritional Consultants turned filmmakers James Colquhoun and Laurentine Ten Bosch, features interviews with best-selling health authors and leading medical experts along with some real-life transformational stories of how people who were sick and overweight regained their health thrown in for good measure.

Although, this documentary largely revolves on the benefits of detoxification for weight loss; it neither explicitly extols the benefits of a plant-based diet nor emphasizes on the negative impacts of meat consumption, but you can watch it for its informative content.

Year of release: 2012

Watch it on: Netflix

10. The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue

This documentary is a great- source for beginners who’ve just embraced the lifestyle. In the film Rip Esselstyn, a former firefighter and triathlete and author of The Engine 2 Diet is seen ‘rescuing’ 2 families as he helps them ditch their heavy animal heavy diet and transition to a healthier plant- foods lifestyle.

The documentary also has some great meal suggestions and delicious recipes to help you start your journey in a tasty nutritious way.

Year of release: 2011

Watch it on: Amazon

11. Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

This independent documentary directed by Aiyana Elliott chronicles the lives of six American diabetics, who reversed their condition completely after switching to a raw vegan diet in a span of 30 days without relying on any pharmaceutical drugs.

The viewers are treated to some unexpected twists and turns in the 30-day challenge and the film beautifully captures each participant’s remarkable journey and the physical, emotional and medical transformations brought on by their diet and lifestyle shifts. A must -watch recommendation for anyone who is diabetic.

Year of release: 2009

Watch it on: Youtube

12. Fillet Oh Fish

While some feel eating fish is healthy and necessary to get their doses of Omega 3’s, this eye-opening documentary will expose the truth about fish farming.

The documentary shows how fish is “our next food scandal” and how “this out of control industry is pouring a dangerous cocktail of toxic chemicals into our food.”

The film also shows exclusive footage from fish farms highlighting the harmful practices that make fish one of the most toxic, and dangerous foods on the planet and why is it vital to remove fish from your diet.  You’ll be convinced to get your omegas from flaxseeds and walnuts once the credits roll.

Year of release: 2014

Watch it on: Youtube

13. Live And Let Live

This Marc Pierschel directed documentary narrates the story of 6 different people who made the decision to go vegan.

The story shares first-hand experiences and opinions of people from various walks of life who switched to a vegan lifestyle for different reasons. The film has some heartwarming stories such as that of a former butcher and factory farmer who embraced veganism after being a part of the gruesome agriculture industry, a former dairy farmer who turns into an owner of a farm sanctuary, along with stories of animal activists and professional athletes.

This film provides a good overview of veganism and covers all aspects of a plant-based life including health, environmental, and ethical angles. It makes for good viewing especially for those who are new to the lifestyle.

Year of release: 2013

Watch it on: Netflix

14. Food Choices 

In this documentary Michal Siewierski focuses on the impact of animal agriculture on people’s health and the health of our planet.

With the help of world-renowned experts, Siewierski not only helps clear the stigma and misconceptions around veganism but also provides comprehensive information on the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.

The film guarantees that you’ll certainly never be able to view your animal-based food plate in the same way again.

Year of release: 2016

Watch it on: Netflix

15. Diet Fiction

In this documentary, award-winning director of “Food Choices,” Michal Siewierski sets out to debunk the myths and misconceptions prevalent in the world of weight loss and dieting insidiously propagated by the industry over the last several decades.

The film touches upon several issues such as the truth behind diet culture, “devastating” effects of obesity on people’s lives and offers “new disruptive ideas” about how plant-based foods can offset the obesity epidemic rampant in the world.

Year of release: 2019

Watch it on: Amazon Prime

Documentaries on Animal welfare

This next set of recommendations will make any meat lover cringe after witnessing the cruelties that go on behind closed doors.

16. Meet Your Meat

A short, crisp documentary by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) exposes the brutalities of the factory farms- “humanity’s cruelest invention”.  Laced with narrations by activist Alec Baldwin, the documentary shows realistic footage of how animals are abused, exploited and killed in the name of food.

It’s graphic but important for the ones who feel meat is vital for their health and wellbeing.

Year of release: 2002

Watch it on: Youtube

17. Earthlings

This is a horror film and many have refused to watch it for it blatantly exposes the cruelties meted out to animals in the food, pet, clothing, entertainment, and science industry.

Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, a passionate vegan and animal activist, director Shaun Monson takes you on a stormy ride with realistic and graphic footage from undercover cameras, to show how animals are exploited and abused for profit.

One of the most influential vegan documentaries out there and a must watch for those who find it difficult to sacrifice their steaks.

Year of release: 2005

Watch it on: Youtube

18. The Animals Film 

This documentary by Victor Schonfeld & Myriam Alaux is another shockingly relevant film that reveals the plight of animals when humans use them as food, clothing, pets and entertainment, as well as for scientific research through never-before-seen footage.

Year of release: 2007

Rent it on:  Reelhouse

19. Speciesism: The Movie

People will resonate more with this documentary after Joaquin Phoenix highlighted speciesism in one of his award acceptance speeches.

In this documentary, filmmaker Mark Devries attempts to answer some very thought-provoking questions such as why humans feel they are above animals?

In the movie, Devries investigates prevalent norms of the meat industry and boldly confronts farm owners with practical and ethical questions around meat eating.

The film guarantees “you’ll never look at animals (especially humans) the same way again.”

Year of release: 2013

Watch it on: Amazon 

20. The Ghosts in Our Machine

Directed by Liz Marshall, this powerful video showcases animal welfare through a different lens. It follows photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur as she travels around the world to capture shots that depict the pitiful conditions of animals in the food, fashion, entertainment and animal testing industries.

The Ghosts in Our Machine has some tense, emotional moments and viewers can empathize with Jo-Anne as she captures graphic images that eventually led to her post-traumatic stress disorder.

It is also not completely sad with some amazing rescue operations and scenes of animals living peacefully in sanctuaries.

 Year of release: 2013

Buy it on: Itunes, Vimeo, or VH

21. Lucent

The feature length documentary directed by Chris Delforce is referred to as “the Australian Earthlings.”  With footage captured with hand-held and hidden cameras, the film exposes the horrific abuse and torture rampant in pig farms and slaughterhouses across Australia.

Year of release: 2014

Watch it on: Vimeo

22. Facing Animals

Facing Animals by Jan Van Ijken explores the complex relationship between man and animal.

The Dutch documentary aims to spotlight how humans perceive certain animals as humans while disregarding others citing contrasting and bizarre images of owners cuddling a cow while a chicken is being thrown on a conveyor belt.

“The film takes the perspective of the animal, but actually is about humans who in their inscrutable wisdom label one animal as a cheap piece of meat, and the other as an interesting research object, beauty ideal, pest, pathetic creature or partner/mate/child. In Facing Animals, I give the hidden animals in the industrial farms a face. I invite the viewer to think about the value of an animal,” said Van Ijken when describing his motive behind making the film.

Year of release: 2012

Rent it on: Vimeo

Trailer for Facing Animals on TrailerAddict.

23. Farm to Fridge, The Truth Behind Meat Production

This gripping 12-minute film made by the non-profit animal rights organization Mercy for Animals exposes the cruelties meted out to cows, pigs, and chickens before they reach our shelves.

The charity has made a compelling argument using footage covertly recorded on hidden cameras about the carnage that goes on behind closed doors in the name of animal agriculture.

“Most farmed animals know no kind touch or compassionate care, only a life filled with intensive confinement, abusive handling, painful mutilations, careless neglect, and merciless slaughter,” Mercy For Animals’ Executive Director Nathan Runkle told animal welfare group Free from harm.

“Farm to Fridge serves as a wake-up call to all American consumers that the meat, dairy and egg industries are morally bankrupt and should be boycotted.”

Year of release: 2011

Watch it on: Vimeo

24. Dominion

This documentary has been so influential that watching just 15 minutes of “Dominion” had viewers vowing to ditch meat and its allied products.

Dominion brought forth graphic images of animal cruelty in the meat, dairy, egg, clothing and entertainment industries using hidden cameras and aerial drones. The doco also featured several celebrities such as Joaquin Phoenix, Kat Von D, Sadie Sink, and Sia throwing their weight behind the project.

Year of release: 2018

Watch it on: The Website

25. Land of Hope and Glory

On the lines of Earthlings, Land of Hope and Glory investigated the meat industry practices of the UK using undercover footage and other investigative techniques. This heart-wrenching documentary that covered over 100 UK facilities only confirmed that inhumane practices of meat production were global and not confined to any particular state or country.

Year of release: 2017

Watch it on: Youtube

26. Food Inc.

Directed by Robert Kenner, Food Inc. investigates the meat and agricultural industries of the US and the implications of their unethical practices on the planet.

The film exposes the selfish profit-driven agendas of the food industry at the cost of human health, the livelihood of farmers, the wellbeing of workers, and the planet.

Calling out industrial food producers and manufacturers, it shows how major corporations manipulate every step of the food and supply chain in the United States for their vested interests.

Year of release: 2008

Buy/rent it on: Amazon

27. The Cove

This is another documentary directed by Louie Psihoyos and aims to expose the “gruesome secret” of the Japanese dolphin hunting industry.

The movie follows Ric O’Barry, a dolphin trainer-turned-activist along with other member as they uncover the ruthless practice of capturing and killing dolphins in a cove in Taiji, Japan. This film highlights other issues such as mercury poisoning, mislabeling of dolphin meat and animal captivity as well.

Year of release: 2009

Watch it on: Netflix

Documentaries on the environment and climate change

With numerous studies and data highlighting that animal agriculture is leading to climate change and destroying the planet, these documentaries show just how meat production is responsible for deforestation, air and water pollution, ocean dead zones, species extinction, and high amounts of greenhouse gas emissions leading to global warming.

29. Meat the Truth

 Directed by Karen Soeters and Gertjan Zwanikken, this powerful documentary delves on the massive environmental destruction that animal agriculture causes to the planet.

It examines meat production as one of the main precipitators of climate change and documents opinions of several scientists, activists, and even cattle ranchers on the same issue.

Year of release: 2007

Watch it on: Youtube

30. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

This was the first documentary out of Kip Anderson & Keegan Kuhn’s stable. This short documentary effectively captures the impact of   animal agriculture in climate change, water scarcity, deforestation and ocean dead zones.

While the film has been influential in convincing people to ditch meat, it has also managed to spotlight several environmental organizations such as Greenpeace for turning a blind eye about the negative impacts of animal agriculture on the planet.

Year of release: 2014

Watch it on: Netflix

31. Before The Flood

In this documentary by Fisher Stevens, actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio discuss climate change, its impact and possible solutions with activists, scientists, and world leaders.

Speaking about the documentary DiCaprio states: “This documentary shows how interconnected the fate of all humanity is — but also the power we all possess as individuals to build a better future for our planet.”

Although this is not a vegan documentary, it throws light on how animal agriculture is causing environmental devastation and is a highly recommended watch for people who care about their environment.

Year of release: 2016

Rent it on: Itunes, Amazon or GooglePlay

 32. H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters

This documentary analyzes how a typical western diet affects human health, the planet, and animals.

Conveying a strong message – what you eat matters, this film has inputs from environmentalist and primatologist Jane Goodall, as well as social psychologist Melanie Joy, biochemist T. Colin Campbell, scholar Vandana Shiva, and author Caldwell B. Esselstyn making the content both informative and captivating.

Year of release: 2018

Watch it on: The Website

33. Eating Animals

Join Vegan actor Natalie Portman as she takes viewers through the perils of factory farming. Based on the 2009 non-fiction bestseller by Jonathan Safran Foer, the documentary covers a wide range of topics as it explores the environmental, economic, and public health consequences of factory farming.

It also charts the growth of animal farming from a local and sustainable practice to a full-blown industry that entices customers with cheaper animal products at the cost of animal abuse, rampant use of antibiotics and hormones; and the pollution of our environment.

Year of release: 2018

Buy it on : Amazon

34. Racing Extinction

Oscar-winner Louie Psihoyos and his team of activists create a hard-hitting documentary with never-before-seen images that expose issues of climate change, ocean acidification, endangered species and mass extinction.

The film shows how global warming is eliminating wildlife habitat and killing thousands of species across the world, while also changing the ocean’s chemistry, fundamentally destroying the marine ecosystem.

The graphic and compelling watch also highlights international exotic wildlife trade, through which endangered species such as sharks and other marine animals are being preyed upon for illicit trade.

Year of release: 2015

Buy it on: Amazon

Other must-watch vegan documentaries

The documentaries under this list don’t fall under a particular category but are captivating, inspirational, relatable and are poignant enough to strike a chord with their viewers.

35. 73 Cows

This short documentary film 73 Cows is a heartwarming story of 2 farmers- Jay and Katja Wilde, who trade their herd of beef cows to take up organic vegan farming.

This award-winning short story captures the myriad emotions of the farmer as he struggles with his conscience every time he has to lead his cows to the slaughterhouse and how he finally decides to do what is best for his animals-allow them to live peacefully in a sanctuary.

Year of release: 2018

Watch it on: Vimeo

36. Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home

This multiple award-winning documentary is a riveting story of how farmers develop deep bonds with animal companions under their care. 

The documentary narrates some heartwarming stories of farmers who break their traditional roles to overcome their inner conflict, transition to vegan lifestyles and turn farms into sanctuaries to maintain companionship with their four-legged friends.

Year of release: 2009

Buy it on: The Website

37. Vegan Everyday Stories

A highly recommended documentary that chronicles the personal journeys of four remarkably different individuals with only one thing in common- a vegan lifestyle.

The protagonists include an aspiring singer and wife of a cattle rancher, an ultra-marathon runner, a food truck owner and an 8-year old vegan girl.

The movie also includes interviews of a vegan professional American football player and a plant-based medical doctor.

As an eye-opening, emotional and thought-provoking film, it attempts to destroy the myths surrounding veganism and compels you to acknowledge something you’ve may not have ever seen before.

Year of release: 2016

Watch it on: The Website or Amazon

38. Okja

Okja is not a classic vegan documentary but is a strong contender of the club because it highlights the asperity of factory farming and the ethics of eating animals.

 It narrates the story of Mija, a sweet South Korean girl, and her gigantic super pig friend, Okja. Highlighting the delicate bond between human and animal, the movie tells the tale of how young Mija goes to great lengths to rescue her friend after a powerful, multinational company kidnaps Okja for a new mass-farming initiative.

Dubbed the world’s first vegetarian action movie, Okja won rave reviews post release.

 “The movie is something of a dramatic irony that highlights the unconscionable practices of big business and the hypocrisy of consumers,” wrote a reviewer.

“Loved it. Beautifully shot and well narrated storyline.

It makes you think about many things, specially the way we treat natural world, animals and also our relationship with food chain and priorities,” added another.

Year of release: 2017

Watch it on: Netflix

39. Blackfish

 While this groundbreaking documentary is the story of Tilikum, a captive orca at SeaWorld, it is a gripping story that exposed the plights of these exotic creatures that are forcibly captured to perform in marine amusement parks.  

Tilikum was responsible for the death of three humans, including two orca trainers and the movie has included footage of Tilikum attacking them.

The riveting documentary is an attempt to expose how captivity and breeding in isolation is emotionally, physically and psychologically distressing for marine animals.  

The film haunts SeaWorld till today.

Year of release: 2013

Watch it on: Netflix

40. Carnage: Swallowing the Past

A satirical film by British comedian Simon Amstell is all about a glimpse into a vegan future. Set in 2067, the mockumentary cleverly delivers the message of veganism without being preachy or overbearing.

The movie combines Amstell’s wry humour, contemporary media and dramatic footage to picturize an amusing future situation where animals live equally amongst humans.

Year of release: 2017

Watch it on: BBC iplayer (UK only)

41. A Prayer for Compassion

This feature-length documentary directed by Thomas Jackson brings into focus the relationship between the world’s religions and their embrace of all living beings.

The film aims to “awaken the inner vegan” in those who are conscious, religious or spiritual by encouraging them to include animals into their “circle of respect and caring and love.”

The film was dubbed as one of the ’21 Must-Watch Vegan Documentaries’ of 2019.

Year of release: 2018

Watch it on: The Website

42. Supersize me

Many will resonate with this 2004 documentary, which depicts many of our daily lifestyles comprising junk and processed food. The film follows Morgan Spurlock as he lives entirely on McDonald’s food for one month and the implications his food choices have on his mind and body.

Supersize Me might just make people review their food habits the next time they feel like tucking into a Big Mac.

Year of release: 2004

Watch it : Online

43. Running for good

This feature-length documentary follows vegan ultramarathon runner Fiona Oakes as she attempts to not only set a new global record in endurance racing but also compete in the “toughest footrace on Earth.”

The film is as vegan as it is inspirational and remarkable. Fiona Oakes became vegan at the age of 6 and despite a horrific injury that led doctors to believe she would never walk again, Oakes kept defying odds to achieve incredible feats of human endurance and speed.

According to Oakes, her deep passion to raise awareness for the plights of animals is what keeps her going. She runs a sanctuary with her husband, which fosters over 500 reduced animals.

Watch this documentary to celebrate the woman’s grit, determination and zeal to make a difference in the lives of animals.

Year of release: 2018

Watch it on: Amazon Prime Video

44. The Invisible Vegan

The Invisible Vegan is a 90-minute independent documentary and shows how “prevailing attitudes and stereotypes about veganism within the African-American community have rendered the benefits of this lifestyle invisible within spheres of popular culture, social experience, and political debate.”

Co-directed by activists Jasmine and Kenny Leyva, the film also focuses on the community’s growing vegan movement.

The movie has been endorsed by numerous celebrities and experts, including Cedric the Entertainer, NBA champion John Salley, 11-year-old activist Genesis Butler, scholar Dr. Breeze Harper, and physician Milton Mills.

Year of release: 2019

Watch it on: Amazon Prime Video

RUNNING FOR GOOD (official trailer) from First Spark Media on Vimeo.

45. May I be Frank

Directed by Gregg Marks, the documentary is about Frank, a 54-year-old depressed man suffering from several health conditions and living alone alienated from his daughter.

The heart-warming film follows his amazing transformation after he starts frequenting a vegan café called Café Gratitude in San Francisco and befriends the owners who bail him out of his misery by coaching him physically, emotionally, and spiritually for a month.

Year of release: 2010

Watch it : Online

Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but there is enough for everyone whether they are new to veganism or have been vegan for years. We’ll keep updating this list to add more of these powerful and inspiring films.

Share this list to promote veganism to your colleagues, friends and family.

Published by Totally Vegan Buzz Team

The Totally Vegan Buzz Team are a gang of extremely entertaining writers who also happen to be vegan. Together, they bring you all the vegan infotainment you need - trends, news, quizzes and more. Leave them a comment! They love it when you guys say hi...



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