Advise For Protein Rich Vegan Diet On A Low Income | Ask Vegans Anything | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsI would like to go vegan, or at least vegetarian, but I live with my parents. I have attempted going vegetarian once before but it was not well received by my family (I am fairly athletic and they were worried about my protein intake). My family is also fairly low income making it even harder. If anyone has advise for maintaining a protein rich vegan diet on a low income, I’d love to hear. Thanks!

I would like to go vegan, or at least vegetarian, but I live with my parents. I have attempted going vegetarian once before but it was not well received by my family (I am fairly athletic and they were worried about my protein intake). My family is also fairly low income making it even harder. If anyone has advise for maintaining a protein rich vegan diet on a low income, I’d love to hear. Thanks!

AvatarWeiss asked 5 years ago

4 Answers
Avatarkoriaiken answered 5 years ago

Two words: rice and beans. High protein and super cheap. I basically survived on these and fandoms fruit and veg throughout college.

AvatarMelanie answered 5 years ago

There are so many cheap alternatives and so many things you eat now that are vegan, I think the dairy industry is just as bad if not worse than the meat

Top tip is not to look for the vegan sign but go look in the ingredients if there’s no dairy/meat you’re all good like gravy is vegan?? No one would of guessed ❤️

Avatarhonestly.e answered 5 years ago

It’s super easy to get enough protein, coming from another athlete here. Beans, lentils, peanuts, and chickpeas are all good cheap sources of protein, and they are even cheaper if you buy them dried in bulk and cook them yourself. If you do a bit of research into protein needs, you might be able to ease your family’s worries. When my family bothers me about protein, I tell them I have done my research and I know what I’m doing, and then I ignore them? good luck❤️❤️

AvatarAnonymous answered 5 years ago

i made this excuse for 10 years. now when people ask me about my protein intake. I simply ask where do you get your protein? How much do you have a day? and all the time they say from eating meat, but nobody ever has told me a specific gram or weight they eat a day. so i ask how much protein should I consume a day? which if they cant answer the above they clearly have no idea what they are talking about. do some research on protein from a reliable source and your worries will go away. I like using a plantbased protein powder every couple of days. get some when its on sale! its in every damn grocery store!

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