All the vegan milks I’ve tried are making me feel very sick ( I’ve tried alpro soy, and soy chocolate, oat milk and chocolate oat milk and almond milk) any suggestions on what else I can try? | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsAll the vegan milks I’ve tried are making me feel very sick ( I’ve tried alpro soy, and soy chocolate, oat milk and chocolate oat milk and almond milk) any suggestions on what else I can try?

All the vegan milks I’ve tried are making me feel very sick ( I’ve tried alpro soy, and soy chocolate, oat milk and chocolate oat milk and almond milk) any suggestions on what else I can try?

AvatarKira22 asked 5 years ago

4 Answers
Avatar[email protected] answered 5 years ago

maybe check if you have a gluten allergy? try gluten free plant milks to see if that makes a difference

AvatarJames answered 5 years ago

Try getting your blood type and looking into a blood type diet . Stay on the vegan path but look into blood types and blood type diets .

Avatarnotyoursuburbanmom answered 5 years ago

I agree with James, get a blood taste done and definitely keep with the vegan diet. A couple milks I really enjoy are pea milk, hemp milk and almond.

AvatarBrigitte answered 5 years ago

Maybe try coconut milk its so delicious……….

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