Documentaries On Why Vegans Are Against Eating Honey | Ask Vegans Anything | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsAre there any documentaries about honey and why vegans are against eating it? I am really interested in learning more about this issue.

Are there any documentaries about honey and why vegans are against eating it? I am really interested in learning more about this issue.

Avatarveggirl asked 5 years ago

5 Answers
AvatarVegan boy answered 5 years ago

I think that eating honey is not vegan, because is a product that is created by bees

AvatarSimplyjoeyseijas answered 5 years ago

I didn’t find any documentaries however I did find an article worth sharing it’s on Vegan under the tab “the honey industry”. (I would put the link but for some reason can’t link it) hope this helps. ? ????

AvatarMelanie answered 5 years ago

I think that eating honey is not vegan, because is a product that is created by bees

But it’s like eggs if you really want to eat it if you buy locally produced cruelty free ones then I don’t consider you a bad person or a bad vegan at all

Do what you can you’re making a difference ❤️

AvatarAnonymous answered 5 years ago

Bee Movie… legit

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