Is there a better alternative to cow milk? I tried soy milk and I really like the taste and creaminess of it. I also tried almond milk and I thought it was disgusting it almost made me throw up. I am scared to try rice milk because I still have this disgusting taste and smell of the almond milk on my mind. Soy Milk is my fave so far but I really want other alternatives to change my meals up a little bit. Would be nice if anyone could recommend some of their favorite vegan milks to me, but please no almond milk. Will never try that again. | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsIs there a better alternative to cow milk? I tried soy milk and I really like the taste and creaminess of it. I also tried almond milk and I thought it was disgusting it almost made me throw up. I am scared to try rice milk because I still have this disgusting taste and smell of the almond milk on my mind. Soy Milk is my fave so far but I really want other alternatives to change my meals up a little bit. Would be nice if anyone could recommend some of their favorite vegan milks to me, but please no almond milk. Will never try that again.

Is there a better alternative to cow milk? I tried soy milk and I really like the taste and creaminess of it. I also tried almond milk and I thought it was disgusting it almost made me throw up. I am scared to try rice milk because I still have this disgusting taste and smell of the almond milk on my mind. Soy Milk is my fave so far but I really want other alternatives to change my meals up a little bit. Would be nice if anyone could recommend some of their favorite vegan milks to me, but please no almond milk. Will never try that again.

Avatarsophthev asked 5 years ago

3 Answers
AvatarFriendsnoyfood answered 5 years ago

You should try oat milk, Planet Oat and Oatly are really good. Not all are created equal some are better than others. I think coconut milk taste similar to soy milk if you get the unsweetened kind as well.

Avataralora answered 5 years ago

I am not fond of almond or soy. Silk Cashew vanilla milk is the best i’ve tried so far, especially on cereal, tastes just like cow milk minus the cruelty!

AvatarMJ answered 5 years ago

Coconut milk is my absolute favorite! I also love oat milk.

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