Processed Vegan Food Vs Proocessed Meats | Ask Vegans Anything | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsProcessed vegan food vs Processed meats. Are they equally bad for health?

Processed vegan food vs Processed meats. Are they equally bad for health?

AvatarCoolDog asked 5 years ago

2 Answers
AvatarMelanie answered 5 years ago

Definitely not vegan processed is definitely better but still not great obviously

I’m not an expert so I don’t want to give you any false facts I’d google it or YouTube it or speak to your gp ❤️

Avatarmarc6vegan answered 5 years ago

Health is a side issue here, but even so I would choose the plantbased option every time. Remember that being vegan is primarily for the sake of the animals, and health and the environment are two bonus incentives. Never choose the cruel option; as Joey Carbstrong says, "When we eat suffering, it becomes us." Good luck!

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