QUIZ: What type of vegan are you?
There’s no such thing as a typical vegan, especially with more and more people adopting the lifestyle. But how about you? Laid back, ahead of the trend curve, or a no meat athlete? Take the quiz to find out what your answers says about your vegan personality type. [wpViralQuiz id=12745]
QUIZ: How much do you actually know about hummus?
It’s not just a dip you buy from the supermarket for a picnic, you know. Hummus deserves beatification – but how much do you know about it? Thought it was nothing more than a load of chickpeas and tahini? Take the quiz to find out whether you’re an aficionado or a total dip. [wpViralQuiz id=12652]
QUIZ: What’s your vegan patience level?
Are you more than happy to answer as many questions as your omni friends have about veganism (yes, even the ridiculous ones), or does the mention of ‘protein’ make your fists itch? Take the quiz to find out where you weigh in on the vegan patience scale! [wpViralQuiz id=12738]
QUIZ: Can you score a perfect ten in our vegan facts quiz?
There’s all kinds of information out there about veganism, some of it genuinely surprising, some of it just not true at all. In this quiz, we want to know whether you know your vegan facts from your vegan fiction. Start the quiz now to find out exactly how much you really know. [wpViralQuiz id=12678]
QUIZ: Can you guess which of these celebrities are vegan?
Vegan is BIG among the celebs, and hundreds of our favourite A-Listers swear by plant-based diets to get into shape ahead of filming or performing. But which of the superstars are full time vegans? Test your celeb knowledge and take the quiz now. [wpViralQuiz id=12679]