Victoria’s Secret & Co bans cashmere after vegan appeal | Totally Vegan Buzz
Victoria’s Secret & Co bans Cashmere after vegan appeal
Image: Stock

“Victoria’s Secret’s decision is a win for the countless gentle goats who will be spared the agonising ordeal of someone ripping their hair out.”

Luxury fashion retailer Victoria’s Secret & Co has banned cashmere from all future collections.

Animal rights activists have applauded the move, and urged shoppers to help animals by always choosing vegan materials – which aren’t derived from animal exploitation.

The ban follows exposes from vegan charity PETA, purported to be the largest animal rights organisation in the world.

Victoria’s Secret joins ASOS, Columbia Sportswear, Overstock, and dozens of other companies that have banned cashmere.

What is Cashmere?

Cashmere wool is obtained from the hair  of goats that undergo the horrific ordeal of shearing in the cashmere industry.

 According to PETA, it has exposed  cashmere farms in China and Mongolia, which together are responsible for 90% of the world’s cashmere.

Investigations have revealed footage of  terrified goats pinned to the ground while workers rip out their hair with sharp metal combs  and inflict serious wounds on the helpless animals. .

 The charity added that in China, goats deemed no longer profitable are  slaughtered after workers hit them in the head with a hammer in an attempt to stun them. In Mongolia, goats are dragged onto the slaughterhouse floor and their  throats are slit in full view of other goats.

 Aside from animal exploitation, cashmere production has the highest negative impact on the environment than that of any other animal-derived fibre.

The industry is a significant contributor to soil degradation, which turns grasslands into deserts, including in Mongolia, where 90% of the land is in danger of desertification.

 ‘Win for the animals’

PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman said, “Victoria’s Secret’s decision is a win for the countless gentle goats who will be spared the agonising ordeal of someone ripping their hair out.

“PETA asks everyone to help goats keep their hair by choosing vegan fabrics, which aren’t produced by condemning animals to a lifetime of suffering.”

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