Greta Thunberg Slams Danish Meat Industry | Totally Vegan Buzz
Image credit: Ronald Patrick/Getty Images

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has intensified her criticism of Denmark’s meat industry, calling its environmental impact “catastrophic.” In a recent social media post, she slammed the government’s weak policies in addressing the issue.

Denmark, a major producer of pork and beef, is facing increasing scrutiny for the environmental cost of its animal agriculture sector. This industry is responsible for a quarter of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Thunberg argues that Denmark needs a drastic “reduction and complete transformation” of its meat production practices if it wants to tackle climate change effectively.

As the government prepares to negotiate a landmark deal, Grøn Trepart, which will shape Denmark’s environmental and agricultural policies for years to come, Thunberg and activists are calling for tougher measures to address the industry’s significant greenhouse gas emissions.

Earlier this year, Denmark made history by becoming the first country to implement a tax on agricultural emissions. While this is a step in the right direction, critics argue that the tax is insufficient and comes too late. Starting in 2030, farmers will be required to pay 120 krone (approximately $17) per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalents they produce, with this amount increasing to 300 krone ($43) by 2035.

However, Thunberg and activists from Denmark’s Green Youth Movement believe that the government must go further. They advocate for a higher tax on greenhouse gas emissions from meat producers, arguing that the current proposal does not adequately address the industry’s significant environmental impact. Additionally, they have criticized the meat industry’s claims of investing in technological solutions to reduce emissions, asserting that these so-called “techno-fixes” are likely to perpetuate intensive animal farming practices.

In a recent Instagram post, Thunberg called on activists to lobby Danish political parties for stricter agricultural policies, especially demanding a higher emissions tax on animal farming. She insists that Denmark must significantly reduce and completely overhaul its animal agriculture industry.

While the Danish government has taken a proactive step by publishing a roadmap for a plant-based food system in 2023, Thunberg and other activists believe more drastic measures are needed to address the environmental impact of the country’s meat industry.

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