Vegan For Environment | Ask Vegans Anything | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsI consider myself vegan, but my main motivation is the environmental impacts of animal agriculture, such as pollution, deforestation, and greenhouse gases. I understand that when people avoid animal products for health reasons it’s considered plant based rather than vegan, but what about environmental motivations? I still consider myself vegan because for me it is an ethical stance, but I’m curious about others opinions on this. Personally, animal cruelty is my secondary reason for being vegan, but if I didn’t care about that and my only reason was the environment would I still be considered vegan?

I consider myself vegan, but my main motivation is the environmental impacts of animal agriculture, such as pollution, deforestation, and greenhouse gases. I understand that when people avoid animal products for health reasons it’s considered plant based rather than vegan, but what about environmental motivations? I still consider myself vegan because for me it is an ethical stance, but I’m curious about others opinions on this. Personally, animal cruelty is my secondary reason for being vegan, but if I didn’t care about that and my only reason was the environment would I still be considered vegan?

Avatarhonestly.e asked 5 years ago

3 Answers
Avatarmarc6vegan answered 5 years ago

Animals – health – environment. All these reasons are equally important. Be vegan and stay that way. If you dont really believe in the animal rights issues, you will never become a fully fledged vegan activist…which would be a shame. Best wishes with your love and kindness!

AvatarMC241 answered 4 years ago

Why do you ‘need’ to be considered anything ??? Do what you feel is right, do what you want to. Does it matter ‘how’ you do it or for what reason ?? Does it matter how you ‘label’ yourself. I guarantee you are doing more good than you think, feel proud about that and dont overthink the labels.

AvatarNicole Carrigan answered 4 years ago

That’s a good question, I think if you don’t buy/use any animal products you can still be referred to as “vegan” as your not supporting the use of animals in any way. But you could also just call yourself an environmentalist I guess, it’s up to you if you want the label or not 😊

“Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

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