QUIZ: Can You Guess What These Close Ups Of Vegan Stuff Are? | Totally Vegan Buzz
QUIZ- Can You Guess What These Close Ups Of Vegan Stuff Are_TotallyVeganBuzz
Image: Jeshoots / Unsplash

So you know your nori from your nooch, and your silky from your firm (tofu, that is). But how well do you really your vegan shizzle, and could you spot classic vegan foodstuffs from a mile off – or even up close? We’ve zoomed in on a bunch of classic vegan eats: can you recognise what’s what? Take the quiz now and find out how you fare!

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So, how did you score? Share your results with your mates and see how they compare!

Published by Totally Vegan Buzz Team

The Totally Vegan Buzz Team are a gang of extremely entertaining writers who also happen to be vegan. Together, they bring you all the vegan infotainment you need - trends, news, quizzes and more. Leave them a comment! They love it when you guys say hi...



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