Vegan family issues ‘last warning’ in second note to neighbour over cooking meat | Totally Vegan Buzz

 Vegan family issues ‘last warning’ in second note to neighbour over cooking meat

Vegan family issues ‘final warning’ in second note to neighbour over cooking meat
Image: Facebook

A second letter was shared online after the first one pleading to close windows while cooking meat went viral.

A vegan family’s objection to their neighbour cooking meat has sparked a furious debate online.

It all started when an Aussie family, who lives in the coastal suburb of Burns Beach north of Perth, Western Australia sent a pleading note to their neighbour to shut their windows when cooking meat because the smell was sickening.

Signed by ‘Sarah, Wayne and kids’, the letter read: “Hello neighbour, could you please shut your side window when cooking please.

“My family are vegan (we eat only plant-based foods) and the smell of the meat you cook makes us feel sick and upset. We would appreciate your understanding.”

Vegan family issues ‘final warning’ in second note to neighbour over cooking meat
Image: Facebook

However, the request was apparently ignored and Kylie,  the neighbour in question proceeded to host a ‘coronation’ party to celebrate the historic moment King Charles III was crowned King a few days later.

She decided to have a BBQ party and this resulted in Kylie receiving another letter, literally labelled ‘last warning’ and a threat to be reported if the request was ignored.

In the  2nd note that was also shared on social media, Sarah and her family accused Kyile of  taking ‘the mickey’ out of the family and being ‘downright rude’.

“Hello Kylie, you are taking the mickey out of me and have been downright rude,” the angry neighbour wrote.

“I raised my concerns of the smell of meat making my family sick and upset and you go and have a BBQ on Saturday night, inviting lots of people and you knew this would affect me and my family.”

The neighbours also insinuated that they knew the first letter was shared online and they would resort to the same tactics and also report Kylie if she didn’t pay heed this time.

“My friend Tina told me you took my letter to social media and it backfired on you which is ‘just deserts’,” the letter further read.

“Please no more BBQs and please keep that window closed when cooking otherwise I’m going to report you and go to social media too”.

 Online debate

The follow-up letter like the previous one was met with mixed responses.

“This is unbelievable, they want to tell you how to live in your own home,” one person commented.

“Vegan people think they are entitled always trying to push their way of life onto everyone,” another added.

A third person wrote: “ Who tf does she think she is tho? Like in all seriousness to have the audacity to tell someone they can’t have a bbq in their own yard. Mate, this is Australia. Got a problem, go live in the sticks.”

However, some believed the request was not at all unreasonable.

One user wrote: “Why all the nasty comments? I’m a meat eater, but she was polite and respectful in her request and it’s not hard to close a window. Why not just be a considerate neighbour and close the window, rather than turning it into a big issue?”

“I was vegetarian for 24 years and it did make me sick when I smelled meat being fried. I think they should talk together and find a compromise,” another added.

 “It’s true the smell of meat is overpowering. It would be nice to see some respect for your neighbours, and not publicly trying to shame them for holding strong ethical morals,” a third commented.

But one user wrote: “They are both in the wrong!! It’s such a shame that this is our society now no commUNITY!! #1 If your asking someone to shut their window just shut your bloody own… #2 you can’t tell another person how to live their lives or what to do, you make the changes for yourself. #3 if your neighbour has asked you something kindly that you don’t agree with address it respectfully like an adult.”

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