Beef Industry Funded Study Accidentally Proves Plant Protein Is Equally Effective as Animal Meat for Muscle Growth | Totally Vegan Buzz

Beef Industry Funded Study Accidentally Proves Plant Protein Is Equally Effective as Animal Meat for Muscle Growth

The beef industry probably didn’t expect their funded study to make a compelling case for plant-based proteins, but that’s exactly what happened. Published in the Journal of Nutrition, the research was anticipated to showcase the superiority of meat. Instead, it found that plant proteins—often dismissed as inferior—were just as effective as beef in supporting muscle health and overall well-being.

In the study, 17 healthy middle-aged women were grouped into three dietary categories to assess the effectiveness of different protein sources. The first group consumed meals with 23 grams of protein from lean beef, considered a “complete protein source.” The second group’s diet included 23 grams of protein per meal from what they called “incomplete but complementary plant-based sources,” specifically navy and black beans combined with whole wheat bread. The third group consumed one “incomplete protein source,” either black beans or whole wheat bread alone in one meal.

Despite the original hypothesis favoring animal proteins for superior muscle development, the study backfired and ended up strengthening the evidence backing vegan protein, demonstrating no significant differences in muscle protein synthesis between groups consuming complete, complementary, or even traditionally labeled “incomplete” plant proteins.

This study’s findings effectively challenge the misconception that plant-based proteins are “incomplete” and underscore the nutritional potential of vegan diets. Embracing plant proteins not only supports personal health but also contributes to a more sustainable global food system. There is mounting evidence that a well-balanced plant-based diet is healthy for everyone.

For example, a study conducted by Cambridge University analyzed the effects of plant-based diets on both aerobic and strength performance. The findings indicate that individuals adhering to vegan or vegetarian diets exhibited similar, if not superior, aerobic capabilities compared to their omnivorous counterparts. Additionally, in terms of strength and power exercises, these diets maintained performance levels effectively, demonstrating no disadvantage when compared to diets including animal protein. This systematic review included a diverse array of exercises and protocols, confirming the suitability of plant-based diets for athletes and physically active individuals who seek to optimize both their health and environmental impact​.

Published by Totally Vegan Buzz Team

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