Vegan brand continues to provide 'Tempeh Care Packs' to people in need | Totally Vegan Buzz

Vegan brand continues to provide ‘Tempeh Care Packs’ to people in need

better nature tempeh
Image: Better Nature Foods

UK based tempeh brand, Better Nature has announced that it would send a total of 75 tempeh care packs to nominees in order to do their bit in helping the ones in need.

Better Nature launched a 4-week UK-wide initiative on March 17 to help support people struggling in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Through an Instagram post, the brand announced that it would send 15 free Tempeh Care Packs per week to those who are “in self-isolation, unwell or have been significantly impacted otherwise.”

Each pack worth up to £16 includes four tempeh products, a card with recycling and recipe tips as well as a handwritten, personalized note from Better Nature and the person that nominated them. Each pack contains enough tempeh for eight meals and each packet of tempeh can last for at least 10 days.

Nominations for care packs

Better Nature asked its followers to nominate anyone including themselves if they were significantly impacted by the recent events and would benefit from a tempeh delivery.

By the 2nd week, the brand announced that they allocated 26 care packs and had 49 remaining to give out.

 “We want to inspire consumers to eat more vegan and now is the best time to experiment with new foods while at home. With all of the negative news, the world needs some positive news, so we hope to spread kindness and happiness with those that need it most now. We are looking to help those in isolation due to the Corona Virus specifically in their time of need,” said CEO & Co-Founder Christopher Kong.

Now, in their 3rd week, the tempeh brand is looking for nominations of anyone in mainland UK who might benefit from the care pack.

The company added that they had “already received some super lovely emails from people regarding the care packs,” and were happy with being able to help others in these trying times.

‘Spread joy and positivity’

Commenting on the current situation and the initiative, Elin Roberts, Co-Founder and Head of Marketing at Better Nature said: “At Better Nature we’re all devastated by the impact Coronavirus has had on so many members of society. Beyond the fear of the virus itself has come the economic impact. Many are suffering from increased anxiety about where or how they might get their next meal, which hasn’t been helped by all the panic buying.

“We want to do what we can and spread some much-needed joy and positivity by providing people with a nutritious and easy-to-cook protein source to help cheer them up. Our Tempeh Care Packs will give them some inspiration in the kitchen, perhaps teaching them something new as well as keeping them nourished during this difficult time.

“We have been so touched by people’s stories and struggles and are so happy we can help them in some small way. We’ve already received some feedback for the packs, with people saying they can’t even explain the happiness it’s brought them and that it gives them hope in a future that currently feels so uncertain.”

Apart from the care packs, Better Nature will also partner with freelancers struggling to find work to offer virtual mindfulness, breathing and exercise classes on their Instagram page @betternature_ as well as a 10% discount code TAKEADEEPBREATH for their online store.

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