Can You F*!@ing Believe It? Gordon Ramsay Takes Part In The First Ever Vegan MasterChef Cook Off | Totally Vegan Buzz

Can you f***ing believe it? Gordon Ramsay takes part In the first ever vegan MasterChef cook off

Gordon Ramsay
Image: Gordon Ramsay / Twitter

Gordon Ramsay continues to stun the vegan community in 2018. One of the world’s biggest haters of all things vegan, he fired off a dissenting tweet in February joking that, “I’m a member of PETA ! People Eating Tasty Animals…”

He then had the world gobsmacked in April after proclaiming, “Going to give this whole #vegan thing a try. Yes guys you hear right. Gx” Not long afterwards, he launched his vegan ‘bottomless’ pizza at his London restaurant Street Pizza.

So imagine our disbelief to see the one and only king of the cuss join forces with Riverdale actress, Madelaine Petsch for a MasterChef cook off! Yuhuh, neither did we think the day would ever come. But, lo; it turns out Ramsay got extremely creative with a delicious-looking cauliflower steak and chickpea recipe. His opponent, proud vegan Madelaine Petsch, whipped up a kale pesto and kelp noodle dish. Could this be a real turn of the tide for Gordon and his opinion towards plant-based eating?

But the best part is just how creative Ramsay got in his approach to his vegan dish. And the winner? Well, that might surprise you too. Check out the clip now to be amazed.

What do you think of Gordon Ramsay and his attitude towards veganism? We’d love to throw the discussion out there, so drop us a comment and let us know your thoughts.

Published by Plum Phillips

Before she's anything, Plum Phillips is vegan (for the animals and the planet in equal measure). But when she's not chowing down on pure plant power, she's a writer. Her writerly background is in general wellness and lifestyle topics, but here on Totally Vegan Buzz she veganised her contributions for current affairs, humour and a bunch of quizzes.



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