Footage reveals ongoing abuse of donkeys forced to carry tourists in Santorini despite new laws | Totally Vegan Buzz

Footage reveals ongoing abuse of donkeys forced to carry tourists in Santorini despite new laws

Image Credit: PETA

New footage released by animal rights activists reveals the extreme and tireless abuse inflicted upon donkeys who are forced to carry tourists on Santorini – despite promises by the government to clamp down on the industry. 

New footage released by PETA Germany reveals that donkeys and mules are still being beaten and exploited as “taxis” on the Greek island. 

Last year, following a global appeal by PETA Germany, the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food banned any person weighing over 100 kilograms from riding the animals. 

But new footage from September 2019 shows they are still forced to carry tourists over the weight limit and are sustaining wounds caused by poorly fitting saddles. 

Following the investigation, PETA is calling for Greek legislators to introduce a complete ban on all such rides.

“It’s a disgrace that gentle donkeys and mules are still being whipped and marched into the ground as they’re forced to work day in and day out with no relief from the hot sun,” PETA Director Elisa Allen said in a statement sent to Totally Vegan Buzz

Image Credit: PETA

“PETA is calling on tourists to steer clear of these hideously cruel rides and urging Greek authorities to step up and stop this abuse.”

Image Credit: PETA

The footage also reveals that many animals stumble – often after being beaten with a stick by a handler – endangering nearby tourists who are on foot. 

Image Credit: PETA

PETA Germany eyewitnesses reported frequently having to dodge unsupervised donkeys and mules in order to avoid injury, and one man even had to jump onto a wall to get out of the way of the struggling animals.

Image Credit: PETA

“The video also shows blatant flouting of the new weight restriction, despite veterinary recommendations that donkeys shouldn’t carry more than 20% of their own body weight – approximately 50 kilograms. When not being made to carry extremely heavy loads on their backs, the animals are often tethered in the blazing sun without access to water or shade,” PETA added.

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About The Author

Published by Oli Gross

Oli’s career and personal ethical values both help shape his reporting of the diverse world of veganism. His background is in local newspaper and magazine journalism, and his work has included reporting court cases, celebrity interviews, business analysis, food and drink features and government legislation.



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