Germany considers 19 percent 'meat tax' | Totally Vegan Buzz

Germany considers 19 percent ‘meat tax’

Germany considers 19 percent 'meat tax'
Meat color is important to shoppers who consider bright-red beef or bright-pink pork as a mark of freshness and quality. ARS scientists have developed models using Vis/NIR technology that allow companies to identify beef and pork suitable for retail markets. Image: USDA/ Flickr

German politicians are considering adding a 19 percent meat tax to raise money for animal welfare causes. 

Currently meat is not subject to a standard 19 percent tax placed on many food and drink products, including oat milk. 

But the Social Democratic party along with the Greens want to introduce a tax and use the money raised for protection to animals. 

Friedrich Ostendorff, a spokesperson for the agriculture sector of Germany’s Alliance 90/The Greens political party, told German newspaper Die Welt: “I favor abolishing the VAT reduction for meat and using it instead for more animal welfare.”

Meat is currently taxed at just seven percent in Germany, but many politicians and activists argue this is inappropriate given its ethical and environmental impact.

Thomas Schröder, president of organization German Animal Welfare Federation, added: “Parallel to the CO2 tax, we also need a meat tax.”

A tax would aim to reduce the country’s carbon footprint – as meat is one of the biggest drivers of global warming. 

Christian Democratic (CDU) agricultural politician Albert Stegemann described the tax as ‘constructive’, but said the money should go back to the livestock industry.

“This additional income would have to be used as an animal welfare premium in order to support the livestock farmers in Germany during their restructuring,” he told The Local.

“The road to socially sustainable livestock farming would cost billions of euros, which farmers in Germany would not be able to bear alone.”

Farming industry leaders have spoken out against the tax. Bernhard Krüsken, General Secretary of the German Farmers’ Association, said: “It is not the tax authorities but farmers who need funds and support for the further development of animal husbandry.”

Do you think a meat tax is a good idea? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Published by Oli Gross

Oli’s career and personal ethical values both help shape his reporting of the diverse world of veganism. His background is in local newspaper and magazine journalism, and his work has included reporting court cases, celebrity interviews, business analysis, food and drink features and government legislation.



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