Half of UK vegans report being discriminated against by their employer | Totally Vegan Buzz
Uk Vegans Discriminated
Image: Bruce mars / Pexels

Close to half of vegans in the UK have reported being discriminated against by their employer, a survey has revealed.

The research reveals a worrying level of anti-vegan prejudice in the workplace, as one third also reported being harassed or treated unfairly for being vegan.

According to the survey, prudiced attitudes towards vegans are ‘endemic’ in employers, with 48 percent of companies doing nothing to accomodate vegan workers.

Vegans are also being told to keep their lifestyle to themselves to avoid rocking the boat, with 71 percent of employers preferring that non-meat eaters don’t discuss their lifestyle choices with colleagues.


Crossland Employment Solicitors conducted the study which asked 1,000 vegan employees and 1,000 employers about their workplace practices.

It found that 45 percent reported having been discriminated against, while only 18 percent of canteens offered vegan options.

96 percent of vegans surveyed said they had to sit on leather seats, while 86 percent only had the option to use soap containing animal products.

Beverley Sunderland, managing director at Crossland Employment Solicitors, argued employers may be breaching equality laws.

“Veganism is likely to be covered [under the 2010 Equality Act] if a vegan has a genuinely held belief and not just an opinion or viewpoint,” she said.

Have you been discriminated against for being vegan? Tell us in the comments section below!

Published by Oli Gross

Oli’s career and personal ethical values both help shape his reporting of the diverse world of veganism. His background is in local newspaper and magazine journalism, and his work has included reporting court cases, celebrity interviews, business analysis, food and drink features and government legislation.



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