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Can you f***ing believe it? Gordon Ramsay takes part In the first ever vegan MasterChef cook off

Gordon Ramsay continues to stun the vegan community in 2018. One of the world’s biggest haters of all things vegan, he fired off a dissenting tweet in February joking that, “I’m a member of PETA ! People Eating Tasty Animals…” I’m a member of PETA ! People eating tasty animals…… — Gordon Ramsay (@GordonRamsay) …

Veganism goes virtual after google emoji ditches eggs

The growth of vegan food has even spread to the virtual world after Google removed an egg from its salad emoji. The company announced the decision and indicated the intention was to create an ‘inclusive vegan salad’ for its users. That’s right, in a win for virtual vegans, the tech giant has accepted it must …

A whopping 56% of british people under 30 try out veganism in the last year

More than half of Brits aged 16-29 tried veganism in the last year, according to latest research. If your eyes just popped out reading that statistic then you’re in good company: even the ever-optimistic plant-powered Team Tovee felt our wildest expectations being exceeded by plant-loving Brits. Though the data gathered by Kellogg’s represents the number …