Prince William blasted by animal activists for taking son George on grouse shoot | Totally Vegan Buzz
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‘Very few people these days view shooting for “sport” as anything other than a violent perversion that hurts and kills beautiful birds who are minding their own business’

Animal rights activists have criticized Prince William for reportedly taking his son Prince George to witness a grouse shoot despite trying to promote the family as “progressive and compassionate”.

According to reports George, 7, accompanied his parents to watch his father and others, including the Earl of Wessex, shoot grouse over the weekend.

It is also speculated that the young prince will very much be brought up in the country sports tradition that the royals enjoy.

Prince William blasted by animal activists for taking son George on grouse shoot
Image: Londisland – YouTube

‘Not a good look’

“Taking Prince George along to a grouse shoot isn’t a good look for a royal family that is trying to promote itself as progressive and compassionate,” said Chris Luffingham, campaigns director for the League Against Cruel Sports.

“Shooting hundreds of birds at a time just for fun doesn’t chime with Prince William’s commitment to protecting wildlife, especially as the negative impact on the environment and other wildlife from intensive grouse moor management is huge.”

Luffingham added that the league is campaigning to ban the commercial shooting of hundreds of thousands of birds because it no longer has a place in a modern society.

‘Damage psyche’

Even vegan charity PETA expressed its dissent over children as young as Prince George witnessing bloodsport since it could ‘damage their psyche’ and desensitise them to animal suffering.  

“Very few people these days view shooting for “sport” as anything other than a violent perversion that hurts and kills beautiful birds who are minding their own business,” PETA Director Mimi Bekhechi said.

“For a child to be compelled to witness such casual killing – and by a parent he looks up to, no less – is potentially as harmful to his or her psyche as it is to the bird’s very life.

“To help him grow into a responsible, compassionate leader, his parents must teach him respect for all living beings.” 

Family’s hunting traditions

However, following the family’s hunting traditions both William and his brother, Prince Harry have indulged in blood-sports from a young age.

But since meeting his wife Meghan, Prince Harry, who stepped down as a senior royal earlier this year, has stopped his hunting expeditions significantly.

Reports claim he also sold £50,000 ($62,000) worth of hunting rifles to an anonymous buyer in a private deal.

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