Rapper blasts Nando's animal abuse in viral song | Totally Vegan Buzz
Rapper blasts Nando's animal abuse in viral song
Image: Mr.TinDC & Artem Beliaikin on Flickr

A rapper has taken the internet by storm with a song which blasts restaurant chain Nando’s for its treatment of chickens.

The Real Cheeky Nando’s Rap by Bamalam blasts the restaurant’s animal welfare policy, and now has more than 100,000 views.

“Crushed from their own weight when their body gives in,” he raps.

“It stops body clock from ticking. Barely natural light, little plots are given’- expose the hens woeful existence as they are reared in abject conditions.”

The song is part of the #TheRealCheekyNandos campaign started by World Animal Protection(WAP) which demands Nando’s stops sourcing birds who are subjected to cruelty and suffering.

The WAP highlighted that Nando’s serves fast-growing breeds of chicken who are unhealthy, fatigued and deformed.

The charity group said: “Many Nando’s chickens live with painfully deformed legs and hearts and lungs that struggle to keep up with growing too big, too fast.

“Chickens are also kept in cramped conditions with little space to move, preventing them from behaving naturally.

“This often means they cannot walk and die prematurely.”


Nando’s responded stating that all the chicken served in its 340 branches in the UK were reared to Red Tractor standards, but admitted that the company and the chicken market could be more humane in its treatment.

A representative of the restaurant told inews: “Nando’s has been working hard with a range of independent experts on our strategy to address the complex relationship between higher welfare standards, environmental issues and supply-chain management. 

 “We know that as a chicken restaurant group we have a desire and responsibility to overcome these challenges, identify opportunities and ensure that every aspect of how we source our chicken is done in the best possible way.

“We welcome initiatives like the Better Chicken Commitment and share the aspiration and recognition of the need to change, which we believe needs to be a combined effort across the industry. We look forward to keeping everyone updated on our plans as we move forward on this important issue.”

Ian Woodhurst, UK farming campaigns manager at World Animal Protection, said the charity hoped Nando’s would take note of animals rights activists’ concerns.

He said: “It needs to stop using fast-growing chickens and give its chickens more space to move and behave naturally.

“If not, Nando’s chickens will continue to suffer from catastrophic health issues and live their short lives in unnecessary pain.”

How should the UK Government act to improve animal welfare standards? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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