Robbie Williams falls back on vegan diet after test reveals highest mercury poisoning | Totally Vegan Buzz
Robbie Williams falls back on vegan diet after test reveals highest mercury poisoning
Image: @robbiewilliams / Instagarm

The 46-year-old musician had recently added animal products like fish to his diet after going vegan in 2017.

A recent health scare has prompted Robbie Williams to switch back to a “plant based” diet.

According to Daily Star, the iconic singer’s recent medical tests revealed abnormally high mercury levels in his system after he added animal products like fish into his lifestyle.

 “Robbie is known for enjoying a wild time in the spotlight but over the past few years he has been really health conscious,” a source told the news outlet.

“As well as stopping smoking while in LA, Rob also took up boxing.

“His recent check-up returned the highest mercury poisoning levels his doctor had ever seen.

“Rob guesses it was from fish but as a result he’s now gone back to being plant based again.”

Williams went plant-based in 2017 after a ‘mystery illness’ caused abnormalities in the musician’s brain. Doctors at the time had discovered blood in his brain scans after he fell ill backstage during a tour in Switzerland.

He subsequently overhauled his diet and became “vegan-ish” after being hospitalized.

Myths surrounding the vegan diet

Recently, Miley Cyrus, who ditched animal products in 2013, revealed on a podcast that she was no longer vegan because the diet caused her ‘brain to not function properly’.

The pop star added that her resulting brain fog made her include ‘fish and omegas into [her] life’.

The singer was blasted for spreading misinformation about Omega 3 and 6s – which can be gained through a vegan diet, and do not require the eating of fish.

Busting Cyrus’s claims, ND Dr. Matthew Nagra also clarified how ‘fatigue (mental or physical) can be caused by a myriad of issues, which may not be diet-related, and there’s no indication that she was seeking any medical care’.

“In addition, it’s important to note that the research on omega-3 supplements (EPA/DHA) and cognitive function is mixed, with potential benefit in older adults specifically. Of course, fish is a source of these omega-3s, but so is a vegan algae-based supplement,” he posted on Instagram.

“That being said, it is unclear if vegans even need to supplement since we produce EPA and DHA from short-chain omega-3s (ALA) in foods like flax and our levels don’t vary much from fish eaters. Furthermore, those with genetically elevated levels don’t seem to be protected against Alzheimer’s disease, which is why I just think of these supplements as an extra safety measure, to ensure you get enough.”

He added: “On a physiological level, it’s impossible for a few meals of seafood to drastically change omega-3 levels, especially within the brain.”

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