Tokyo introduces more vegan options for the 2020 Olympics | Totally Vegan Buzz
Tokyo introduces more vegan options for the 2020 Olympics
Image: Tokyo 2020 logo & Blue Planet Studio /

Japanese lawmakers have considered implementing certain guidelines to make food choices more vegan friendly ahead of the 2020 Olympics.

Japan is deliberating on how to make vegetarians and vegans tourists visiting Japan during the Summer Olympics find suitable meal options.

The government officials in a meeting proposed some steps to make the transition smoother such as assist food establishments to develop meat-free recipes, include certification marks for vegetarian and vegan produce, and offer subsidies to restaurants that serve vegetarian meals and introduce meat-free options.

Tokyo introduces more vegan options for the 2020 Olympics
Image: Oksana Mizina /

In the convening meeting former chief cabinet secretary Takeo Kawamura of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party said: “We hope to consider measures with related groups,” as setting up such guidelines is an “urgent” task.

Tokyo introduces more vegan options for the 2020 Olympics
Image: Tatiana Bralnina /

The Japanese cuisine is typically devoid of vegan options with fish, poultry and eggs dominating the platter and “veganism has yet to be included in universal design in Japan.”

A 2014 study highlighted that only 4.7 percent of Japanese followed a plant based diet.

What measures can Japan take to promote plant-based diets in the country? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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