Two top Italian luxury fashion houses ditch fur | Totally Vegan Buzz
WOOP: 12 fashion giants to go 100% fur-free
Image: marchevcabogdan /

The fashion houses’ fur-free policies make ‘it abundantly clear: fur is cruel, outdated, and ugly.”

Fashion giants Dolce & Gabbana and Moncler have ditched fur.

The two Italian luxury fashion houses are the latest amongst a slew of mega-retailers including Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, and H&M, that have committed to eliminating fur from their designs.

Canada Goose, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, and Balenciaga, have also announced fur-free policies.

Dolce & Gabbana

The fashion brand has even confirmed to In Defense of Animals (IDA) that it will ban angora from all future collections.

“Fur and angora cause extreme cruelty to animals, and we appreciate Dolce & Gabbana’s efforts to set the trend for compassion,” Fleur Dawes, Communications Director for In Defense of Animals said in a statement.

 “Clothing and accessories needn’t harm animals. We urge all designers to follow suit by ditching all fabrics made from animal fur and skin.”

The IDA has been campaigning to end the fur trade since the 80’s. It has also helped create the longest-running animal protection demonstration in the world, known as Fur Free Friday.

According to the international animal protection organization, the fashion industry kills around 100 million animals for fur each year, including approximately 2 million dogs and cats. More than 9,000 supporters signed IDA’s latest petition urging Dolce & Gabbana to ban fur.

“We wholeheartedly celebrate Dolce & Gabbana’s decision to eliminate animal fur and angora from its designs. Consumers have made it abundantly clear: fur is cruel, outdated, and ugly,” Julie Massa, Fur Campaigner for In Defense of Animals said.


Earlier this week, Italian fashion house Moncler – also a renowned skiwear brand – committed to going fur-free as a reflection of the brand’s ‘dedication to protecting the planet and creating a better future for all’.

The luxury brand further announced that it “will stop sourcing fur this year and the last collection to feature fur will be Fall/Winter 2023.”

In a statement, the firm noted: “This decision is consistent with Moncler’s ongoing commitment to responsible business practises and builds on the brand’s constructive and long-term engagement with the Italian animal rights organisation LAV as a representative of the Fur Free Alliance.”

Moreover, it added that Moncler’s Sustainability Plan 2020-25 will focus on five strategic drivers: climate action, circular economy, fair sourcing, enhancing diversity, and giving back to local communities.

PJ Smith, Fashion Policy Director for the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International, said: “We’re thrilled Moncler is committed to making the fashion industry more humane.”

Simone Pavesi, LAV Manager for the Animal Free Fashion Area, added: “LAV applauds Moncler for the responsible decision to permanently discontinue animal furs from its collections.

“Our commitment to Moncler and all fashion companies continues towards new goals for an increasingly sustainable fashion and for the protection of animals.”

Fur is dead, and the world knows it

Apart from fashion brands, fur bans have been enacted in San Francisco, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles within the last several years. In 2019 California became the first state in the country to ban fur sales and fur trapping.

Last year, Italy also added its name to the list of countries that have announced bans on fur farms.

The Italian Senate’s Budget Committee voted on the amendment following the Humane Society International/Europe (HSI Europe) strategy to close its remaining 10 mink fur farms by June and permanently ban fur farming nationwide.

“Italy has quickly become a hub for fur-free fashion now that the country banned fur farming last year and many of its renowned brands—including Armani, Prada, Versace, Valentino and Gucci–are fur-free,” Smith added.

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