87% of UK vegans have had at least one COVID jab, survey reveals | Totally Vegan Buzz
87% of UK vegans have had at least one COVID jab, survey reveals
Image: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.com

The top reasons for refusing the vaccine were fear, distrust, and ethical reasons

Nearly 90% of UK vegans aged 16 and over have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to new research by the Vegan Society.

A good 62% have had two doses of the vaccine. This is amid a wider 69% (almost 47 million people) of the UK population declaring full vaccination status.

The organization surveyed 1,500 vegans from all corners of the country during the months of September and October this year.

It found that 10% haven’t had a single dose of the vaccine yet, but would like to while only 4 % have chosen not to be vaccinated.

Reasons for vaccine refusal

The top reason given by those not wanting to get a vaccine was fear or a distrust over the vaccine’s safety (58%).

35% said they wanted more information to be made available. Meanwhile, 29% believe the vaccine is ineffective.  Around 23% cited ethical reasons.

Ethical dilemma

Currently, all three available vaccines (Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, and Pfizer/BioNTech) are tested on animals, as required by law, which has been a hot topic of debate ever since the vaccines surfaced.

However, there is no ‘vegan exemption certificate’, which is why the Vegan Society and several vegan doctors have urged fellow vegans to get jabbed.

“Since all medications currently go through animal testing and animal products are commonly used in their manufacture, decisions around taking medication can be complex for vegans,” the charity said in a statement.

It added that the “definition of veganism recognises that it is not always possible or practicable for vegans to avoid participating in animal use, which is particularly relevant to medical situations.”

Vaccines’ role in tackling the pandemic and saving lives

Sam Calvert, spokesperson for the organisation added: “The Vegan Society understands that the Covid-19 vaccination programme is playing a fundamental role in tackling the pandemic and saving lives.  

“Sadly, we don’t yet live in a fully vegan world, and we know that facing these kinds of decisions can be extremely distressing for all vegans.”

While taking the vaccine is not yet mandatory for the public, the government has announced that all frontline NHS staff in England need to be fully vaccinated against Covid by April 2022.

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