Vegan brand pays for dairy free drinks on National Coffee Day | Totally Vegan Buzz
Vegan brand pays for dairy free drinks on National Coffee Day
Image: Silk / Facebook

Vegan brand Silk has encouraged people to try vegan milk coffee by offering to pick up the tab on National Coffee Day.

While several coffee brands offered amazing deals to celebrate National Coffee Day on Sunday, September 29; Silk, famed for its plant based milks, yogurts, and creamers, offered to pay for any coffee drink ordered with dairy-free milk. 

The brand posted their one day offer on Instagram: “For one brew-tiful day only, coffee drinkers will be able to send Silk a PayPal request ([email protected]) for the cost of one dairy-free coffee drink (up to $5 in value) purchased at their local coffee shop, with their drink order in the notes section, and we’ll pay them back.” 

Silk announced that it would be reimbursing up to a total of $5,000 on a first come, first served basis.

Vegan charge

Most US coffee shops upcharge of up to $1 per drink when customers opt for plant-based milk in place of dairy. This surplus charge often deters many from trying out a dairy alternative coffee drink.

With this offer, Silk presented an opportunity to those who had wanted to try plant-based milk with their coffee without any extra cost.

The offer drew thousands of likes and praises for the vegan brand.

One user commented: “Got mine! Thank you so much! This covered one of my coffees during overnight hospital shifts this weekend ?? My baby’s belly thanks you for your awesome dairy free products!”

While another posted: “Ty for the offer and for blessing my daughter and I today. We submitted our notes at 12:02 and 12:04 am which you all stated could be done without receipt. We have received our reimbursements according to your rules and we met up and enjoyed great cups of coffee. We will always love your products and are thankful to have a cup of Joe on you all.”

“I’m sure everyone was waiting at 11:59pm last night to submit right at 12 when they saw it was limited to 1000 people and it was sold out instantly,” wrote another user.

The offer was instantly sold out with Silk posting: “Happy #NationalCoffeeDay! We want to inform everyone that we did reach our $5,000 limit. Thanks for celebrating with us and enjoy your ☕️.”

Is it fair for companies to charge extra for plant milk? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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