Vegans put up with a lot of harsh criticism – claims that we need more protein; that we shoehorn our decision into every conversation; that we’re simply too good-looking. Probably the most egregious of these allegations is that vegans are humourless. And frankly, we here at Totally Vegan Buzz aren’t going to stand for it anymore.
So we’ve assembled this: the ultimate gallery of vegan memes. An unparalleled resource in the fields of memeology and veganomics. We’ve hand selected only the dankest of the dank – the most savage and spicy memes known to humankind – and we’ve collected them here for all to enjoy. They’re hilarious, shareable, and more vegan than a lentil bake on Earth Day. Read ‘em. Love ‘em. Pass ‘em on. And when you do, tell them Totally Vegan Buzz sent you.