
20 GIFs That Sum Up How Great It Feels To Be Vegan


1. When people begin complimenting you on how good your skin and hair are looking

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2. That funny mix between excitement, relief and greed when someone tells you the snacks are vegan

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3. Feeling all energised and someone asks you if you fancy going for a run with them and you’re like…

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4. How your connection with your companion animal is on a whole other level

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5. When your fave celeb goes vegan

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6. When your friends ask if you fancy trying out the vegan options at a new restaurant

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7. The feeling of deep and comforting peace knowing that absolutely no living creature has suffered to support your lifestyle

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8. When someone you’ve just met tells you they’re vegan too

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9. Cooking and eating a vegan meal from scratch – and it’s absolutely goddam delicious

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10. Finding out that your nearest supermarket has just increased its range of plant-based and vegan foods in response to local demand

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11. Watching amazing animal rescue stories on YouTube

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12. Queuing up at the checkout and the stranger in front of you has bacon in their basket

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13. How bothered you are about missing cheese these days

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14. When your friends say that they’re thinking of giving vegan a go

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15. When someone wants to ask you about being vegan but doesn’t bust out the dumbass questions about protein and B12

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16. How you feel after you’ve had a poo

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17. How you feel about all the animals in the world

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18. There’s vegan cake at work and you’re all…

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19. When you’re in a vegan restaurant and you’re just not used to having so much menu choice

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20. When you stay with your folks and they get vegan food in especially

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What’s your fave thing about being vegan, and what gif best sums that s**t up? Let us know in the comments below!
