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Bristol musicians use COVID-19 downtime to launch vegan BBQ restaurant


“There are so many brilliant vegan restaurants in Bristol but we feel like we’re filling a gap in the market with our barbecue plant-based soul food.”

LD’s Kitchen is the newest vegan restaurant to have opened up in Bristol after coronavirus snatched the livelihoods of a musician couple, Bristol Live reports.

Lianna Davies, a bass player for psychedelic rock band Turbowolf, and her partner Aidan Sinclair, a session drummer, launched the restaurant in early January to bring to Bristol soulful family-style vegan BBQ food.

According to the news outlet, American-style vegan food is the bassist’s main passion in life apart from music, having been introduced to it by her relatives 17 years ago.

She has also worked for the hospitality industry for a number of years in various bars and restaurants including The Lazy Dog, The Pipe & Slippers, and The Golden Lion.

In addition, she also worked as a part-time chef in London, where she was born and raised.

Barbecue plant-based soul food

The restaurant will offer barbecue plant-based soul food and the couple hope to fill the ‘gap in the market’ with their latest venture.

“Barbecue food has always been my favourite ever since I first tried it in America, but nothing in the UK has quite hit the spot, especially when it’s vegan,” Davies said.

“But after spending years on adapting recipes, some of which have been passed down from my family in America, I’m confident our food does just that.”

The restaurant’s menu features several innovative dishes including “mocken'” – a chicken replica made from a blend of seitan, tofu, and jackfruit covered in a “unique faux skin”.

Other options include wings, ribs, and whole mocken’ breasts, giving Bristolians a taste of The Deep South, along with sides including salad, crispy potatoes, skin-on fries, and slaw.

“It’s really exciting being able to share these recipes with the people of Bristol and since launching we’ve had customers order from us every week, which is a sign we’re doing something right,” Davies added.

Fill ‘gap in the market’ 

The restaurant is currently operating from Chatterton’s Cafe in Redcliffe Way, and customers can either choose to collect their order from the cafe or opt for delivery.

“It’s a very difficult time to be a musician, especially as the support from the Government is so limited, but I’m really pleased I’ve been able to finally launch LD’s Kitchen,” Davies said.

“There are so many brilliant vegan restaurants in Bristol but we feel like we’re filling a gap in the market with our barbecue plant-based soul food.”

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