
‘Fake’ vegan creates division with viral story about destroying her husband’s Xbox for buying cheese


Vegans come in all shapes and sizes, just like any other part of society. Those adopting a plant-based diet have many different reasons for going vegan, and varying approaches in dealing with day-to-day vegan-related issues.

But one self-described ‘vegan’ has has gone viral after bragging about her approach to dealing with her husband, after he supposedly bought dairy cheese rather than a vegan alternative.  

She posted an image of an Xbox which she claimed to have destroyed as punishment, and the post was liked and shared thousands of times on Facebook and more than 50,000 times on Reddit.

But the poster has been accused of being a meat-eater who has created a fake story created to fuel hatred towards vegans. 

The original post was shared far and wide on Facebook and Reddit, and had been covered by multiple news outlets.

The post read: “Try me and this is what happens. Maybe next time you won’t forget to buy my cheese VEGAN.

“I told you over and OVER I do NOT want real cheese!!! I’m VEGAN! And you WILL respect that!”

Unsurprisingly, anti-vegans jumped on the opportunity to create an ‘us versus them’ mentality and mock a vegan lifestyle.

Initial response on Reddit was one of outrage against the ‘vegan’, leading to sweeping generalisations.

Image: lilstinkypuppy / Reddit
Image: catellimeatsauce / Reddit
Image: SuperModes / Reddit
Image: itmightbehere / Reddit

Vegans and vegetarians also criticized the poster’s reaction, and asked others not to generalize vegans from her behavior.

Image: VinceTibo / Reddit
Image: Vizual-bandit / Reddit
Image: m0ther_0F_myriads / Reddit
Image: Thnksfrallthefsh / Reddit

Some argued the husband should be more sensitive of her veganism.

Image: tatostix / Reddit
Image: plumon_alexy / Reddit

But savvy readers called out the original post and tracked down the user, claiming it was created by a meat eater and intended to create division.

Image: passthepass2 / Reddit
Image: Fawnet / Reddit
Image: jigsawduckpuzzle / Reddit
Image: ThaumaturgyPhD / Reddit
Image: Flip__Side / Reddit

And others just saw the funny side…

Image: AndieRayy / Reddit
Image: TheWrongFusebox / Reddit
Image: HungryLikeTheWolf99 / Reddit

What do you think of the vegan’s post? Tell us in the comments section below!
