Can Vegans Eat Locally Produced Honey | Ask Vegans Anything | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsI have been fully vegan for 2 years, with the exception of eating honey. Since honey consumption and demand is key in keeping honeybees from going extinct, what are your thoughts on vegans eating locally produced honey?

I have been fully vegan for 2 years, with the exception of eating honey. Since honey consumption and demand is key in keeping honeybees from going extinct, what are your thoughts on vegans eating locally produced honey?

Avataravbroffman asked 5 years ago

3 Answers
Best Answer
AvatarHaily34 answered 5 years ago

I have also been vegan for 2 years and do eat honey. I own bees and they are very well taken care of and have been living for a really long time. I feel comfortable eating their honey because I know how they have been treated and no harm has come to them. As long as you know the bees aren’t being mistreated, in my opinion, it is okay

AvatarMelanie answered 5 years ago

Cruelty free and locally produced I think is okay in very much moderation. If you’re buying it from a mass production company of any sort I do not consider it vegan

AvatarMC241 answered 4 years ago

An excellant question. Two very good answers too, cant add any more than that.

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