If Everyone Stops Eating Meat | Ask Vegans Anything | Totally Vegan Buzz
Ask Vegans AnythingCategory: QuestionsIf everyone stopped eating meat what would happen to the animals

If everyone stopped eating meat what would happen to the animals

AvatarAbbyEatsPlants asked 5 years ago

3 Answers
Best Answer
AvatarNiamh_ answered 5 years ago

well, everyone may have to stop eating meat at some point, due to the enviromentall issues it brings, however what needs to be considered is that this change will be a gradual one, meaning as demand for meat lowers, the supply will lower too and less animals will be bred in the first place, and as for thoes left, they can live out their lives in animal sancturys

AvatarVegan_fit_gurl_ answered 5 years ago

Animals rescused from slaughter houses go to rescues to live out the rest of their lives happily and free. Animals are being forcibly bred for meat and dairy. If animals were freed from slavery, then the natural order of the eco system would return.

AvatarMelanie answered 5 years ago

No one knows we can only predict but nature would take back again

There is a video on YouTube called what would happen if all humans disappeared and it would be similar to that I think but for animals

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