TheVeganKind Supermarket launch German food brand ‘Veganz’ to the UK | Totally Vegan Buzz

TheVeganKind Supermarket launch German food brand ‘Veganz’ to the UK

TheVeganKind Supermarket is the UK’s most popular dedicated online vegan store, offering free next day delivery, Vegan Rewards as you shop and ‘Gold’ rated 5 star service, as per independent review platform Feefo.

Today, Tuesday 16th of July, they bring well known German vegan food manufacturer ‘Veganz’ to the UK. Veganz has a range of 100% vegan and organic products, such as Coconut & Lemon Protein Shakes, Buttery Biscuits, Cookie Dough Chocolate Bars, White Chocolate Almond Bars and Strawberry Cake Protein Bars

TVK Supermarket co-founder, Scott said “We are so excited to help break Veganz to the UK market. Veganz are an extremely well known, hard working, independent team, evidenced by the huge range of products they have been able to bring to market in Germany. They have contributed a lot to veganism and the plant based scene in mainland Europe and we are really proud to collaborate with them. We are honoured to be the first (and currently only) stockist in the UK! We have launched 30 products from their range to start with, and plan to add more – we know they will be wildly popular with our customers”.

Veganz said “We are amazed by the success of veganism in the UK and thrilled to offer our high quality products for customers in the UK thanks to our partnership with TheVeganKind Supermarket.” Shop the collection here.

What do you think of Veganz launch by TheVeganKind Supermarket? Tell us in the comments below!

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