Farmers spared jail despite inspectors discovering rotting carcasses beside starving cows | Totally Vegan Buzz
Farmers spared jail despite inspectors discovering rotting carcasses beside starving cows
Image: Ceredigion County Council

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Rotting cow carcasses were found next to starving animals at a Welsh farm which animal welfare inspectors dubbed the ‘worst case of neglect they had ever seen’.

But despite the shock of Ceredigion County Council officers when they inspected Penffynnon Farm, the brothers who ran the property will face no jail time.

Inspectors found 58 decaying cattle corpses alongside other living animals in horrific conditions at the farm.

They were starving, with no food, water or dry lying area, and a vet called to the farm had to put two more animals down due to their illnesses.

Image courtesy of Ceredigion County Council

Inspectors confirmed the cows had suffered unnecessary suffering and died of neglect after succumbing to the awful conditions, but the brothers who ran the farm escaped jail time.

David Davies and Evan Meirion Davies were given 16-week prison terms suspended for 12 months after admitting 13 charges of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

The prosecution was brought by Ceredigion County Council under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and Animal By-Products (Enforcement) (Wales) Regulations 2014 and came after a visit by Animal Health Officers and Animal and Plant Health Agency vet to the farm in April 2018.

Image courtesy of Ceredigion County Council
Image courtesy of Ceredigion County Council

Cabinet member responsible for Public Protection, Councillor Gareth Lloyd said: “This was a truly shocking case of neglect that caused terrible suffering to so many animals.

“We will not hesitate to act decisively whenever we need to protect animal welfare.

“This was an extreme case, and in no way reflects on the dedication of the overwhelming majority of Ceredigion farmers in maintaining the highest standards of care for their animals.”

Image courtesy of Ceredigion County Council
Image courtesy of Ceredigion County Council

The brothers were ordered to pay £1,500 and cannot keep animals of any kind for five years.

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Published by Oli Gross

Oli’s career and personal ethical values both help shape his reporting of the diverse world of veganism. His background is in local newspaper and magazine journalism, and his work has included reporting court cases, celebrity interviews, business analysis, food and drink features and government legislation.



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