Vegan Activism News & Updates | Totally Vegan Buzz

Mum threatens to take daughter out of school over Meat Free Mondays plans

A mother has threatened to take her daughter out of school over plans to introduce Meat Free Monday. Students of the ‘Planet Protector’ group at Flintshire’s Derwen Primary School proposed to have a meat-free day every week in a bid to reduce their environmental impact after reviewing the carbon footprint levels emitted by livestock rearing. …

David Attenborough on Greta’s climate strikes: “Politicians have to sit up and take notice”

Sir David Attenborough has voiced his support of young people protesting against climate change, saying ‘it’s that kind of activism that can compel leaders to make change’. The world’s most renowned natural historian has been vocally supportive of Thunberg and her movement for calling out politicians for their inaction towards climate change. In an interview …

London butcher ditches meat and replaces it with plants

A former cattle farmer is taking over a butchers in London to show customers the best vegan meat on the market. Jaap Korteweg, founder of The Vegetarian Butcher, will host the popup at butchers Hill & Szrok in East London’s Broadway Market on Monday September 30, and will serve only plant based meat. The popup …

Portuguese university bans beef, saving 20 tonnes of cow meat every year

Portugal’s oldest university has announced it will ban beef from all canteens in a bid to reduce its environmental impact.  The University of Coimbra will stop serving beef in 14 venues from January 2020 as part of its commitment to become Portugal’s first carbon-neutral university by 2030. The University’s dean Amílcar Falcão said: “We are …

Outrage as images of man’s heavily tattooed cat emerge

A Ukrainian man has faced fierce criticism after pictures of his heavily tattooed cat surfaced online. Mr Shafiev, 35, posted pictures of his six-year-old cat who is covered in what appear to be gang tattoos across his face, back and chest. The owner was appealing for help after his pet jumped out of the car …

Orphan dog cries as he’s reunited with mother cow who raised him

For anyone doubting how deep and complex non-human animals’ emotions are – look no further than the story of orphaned dog Rookie and his adoptive mother cow. The little pup was inseparable from a large cow who lived in his owner’s barn – he would spend all day with his makeshift mother, climbing on her …

Vegan RSPCA chief forced to step down after organising protest at meat market

An RSPCA chief has been forced to leave the animal welfare group after bosses discovered she helped organise a protest at the UK’s biggest meat market. Jane Tredgett, 52, had worked in an unpaid position at the organisation for 18 years. She was the second-most senior member of the RSPCA Council and also a director …

Greta Thunberg owns Donald Trump after he mocks her on Twitter

Greta Thunberg got the last laugh against Donald Trump after he appeared to mock her on Twitter for her powerful speech to the United Nations this week. The Swedish activist gave an emotional address at the conference on Monday, where she spoke of the ‘betrayal’ of world leaders to young people. “The eyes of all …

Fox News guest labels Greta Thunberg a ‘mentally ill child’

A Fox New guest launched an attack of Greta Thunberg following her powerful speech at the UN this week, describing her as a ‘mentally ill child’. Michael Knowles, a podcast host for the Daily Wire, was invited on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” show with Chris Hahn guest anchoring. Knowles took a dig at Thunberg …

Disney’s theme parks have gone vegan

Disney has announced that vegan options will be added to every single catering location in its theme parks across the US. 400 vegan dishes will be available at restaurants and fast-food sites in Florida’s Walt Disney World in October, followed by California’s sites in spring 2020. Walt Disney World has more than 600 eateries across …

Danish politicians fight to ban red meat in schools

Danish politicians are battling to outlaw red meat in daycares, kindergartens, and schools in Copenhagen. The country’s Alternative Party has urged local schools to stop serving beef and lamb in meals, and is attempting to have climate change initiatives enshrined by law. Speaking to Politiken, municipal councilor Franciska Rosenkilde said:  “Red meat has a huge …

Joaquin Phoenix features on massive vegan billboard demanding an end to speciesism

Joaquin Phoenix features on a new giant billboard campaign in Times Square, New York which promotes veganism and condemns speciesism. The vegan actor is pictured in a striking image from PETA beside a chicken, with the ad declaring “We Are All Animals”. The billboard urges passers-by to “live vegan” and help “end speciesism”, which PETA …