Vegan & Plant Based Health News | Totally Vegan Buzz

Plant based diet may prevent cognitive decline, reveals study

New research published in a leading scientific journal indicates that following a plant-based diet lowers the risk of cognitive decline as individuals get older.  Life expectancy of people around the world has increased and UN statistics estimate that the global population aged 80 years or over will be around 425 million by 2050 from around …

This company will pay people £2000 to go vegan for three months

Participants will be paid £2000 each if they successfully ditch meat and meat products for three months. A UK based supplement brand-WeAreFeel is conducting a study to determine whether a vegan diet affects a person’s nutrient levels. It also wants to establish whether a supplement can help in making up any nutrient deficiency if observed. …

Vegan powerlifter breaks world record

Vegan powerlifter Yolanda Presswood smashed nine records at the recent USPA Drug Tested Nationals in Las Vegas. After starting off competing in the bikini and fitness categories of bodybuilding, the 37 year old powerlifter moved to Crossfit in November 2014 and shifted to powerlifting in October 2016, with her first competition in December of that …

Plant-based eating makes men’s erections stronger and longer, study finds

New vegan documentary The Game Changers has kicked up a storm around the world as it dispels myths about needing meat for athletic performance, but there’s one potential health benefit which has particularly captured viewers’ attention.  Three meat-eating athletes on the documentary, which is now on Netflix, had their erections tested before and after they …

Doctors plan to show patients vegan documentary The Game Changers

Healthcare providers have requested to use pro-vegan documentary The Game Changers to show patients an example of how to maintain a healthy diet.  Doctors have been in contact with the filmmakers and requested DVDs to inform patients about healthy eating habits.   The movie expels myths about needing meat and other animal products to reach peak …

Angelina Jolie’s doctor promotes veganism to fight cancer

Angelina Jolie’s doctor is promoting an initiative which advises a vegan diet as a method of fighting breast cancer. Dr. Kristi Funk is championing Let’s Beat Breast Cancer – a campaign which offers guidance in tackling cancer.  It advises people to adopt plant-based diets, exercise regularly, limit alcohol, and maintain a healthy weight. Tig Nataro, …

Egg-free flu-vaccine to save 50 million eggs a year

Public Health England has announced a new flu vaccine that ditches the decades old technique of using chicken eggs, and is instead cultivated in the lab. Britain is the first European country that has rolled out a chicken egg-free flu vaccine providing protection against four virus strains Flu vaccines will now be produced using animal …

Doctors say cheese ‘should have cancer warning’

A group of doctors and physicians has urged the US Government to place breast cancer warning labels on dairy cheese. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has submitted a petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to instruct cheese manufacturers to include a statutory warning stating: “Dairy cheese contains reproductive hormones that may …

Scientists urge governments to stop serving meat in schools and hospitals

A group of scientists has urged governments to restrict meat and dairy consumption in a bid to offset the looming global climate issue. More than 60 scientists from 11 countries signed an open letter urging city mayors worldwide to set a limit on the quantities of meat and dairy served in public canteens and to …

Jaden Smith ditches veganism after his ‘skin turns grey’, but he was only eating one meal a day

Jaden Smith’s family staged an ‘intervention’ to stop him following a vegan diet after noticing his skin starting to turn grey, but the singer has revealed he was only eating one meal a day. The 21-year-old’s parents Will and Jada Pinkett Smith have said in an interview they were concerned their son was not eating …

12,000 doctors say “guidelines promoting cow’s milk are harmful to children”

12,000 doctors and physicians have demanded an end to current recommendations for children to drink cow’s milk in the US. The American Heart Association (AHA) currently has guidelines recommending cow’s milk as a healthy drink for kids younger than five years old. The “Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids” approves both human breast milk and cow’s milk …

Study: Vegan diet boosts weight loss without restricting calories

A plant-based diet promotes healthy intestinal flora which may promote fat loss without restricting calories, a new study has discovered. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine conducted a new study to explain the mechanism that aids vegans in potentially losing twice as much weight as non-vegans while consuming the same number of calories.   In a …